Sunday, August 4, 2019

Unable to sign-in to NXP Jive website - Solved

Some of the example projects of NXP devices are listed in this website

It first leads to the following webpage:

It's easy to register and sign-in here.
Once signed-in, It leads to Jive sign-in page:

This page requires Javascript to be enabled in browser.
Even when javascript enabled the checkbox for Agreeing terms and conditions remain disabled which makes you unable to access the example project.

Right click on the web-page and select "Inspect".

Then press Ctrl+Shift+C which allows you to select elements on the page.

Then click on the checkbox. On the right-side code, edit the "disabled" tag to "enabled"


Done. Login will be successful. This method is required only-once. Next time you will be signed-in to Jive without this blockage.